with Emily Abbott

Supporting a Woman’s Return to Vitality at every stage through Infradian, Pelvic, Reproductive & Sexual Illumination.





You have arrived Dear woman,

Because you are being called deeper

Beckoned by the Goddess to de-calcify old distorted templates and melt into the inner wisdom of your body, your breasts, your vulva, your yoni, your womb... 

Cultivating the sacred sexual currents that run so effortlessly through your body. 

These currents are NOT accessed by effort, 

These currents are accessed by softness and surrender.

By returning to the Sacred Heart,

repairing your trust and faith in Life that is holding you.

Remembering that the gift has already been given.

The question is: what is the depth in which you can receive this gift? 

Aligning you with the beat, the rhythm, the song of your unique and precious beingness- gifted to you at birth…

Maiden Medicine Offerings

My offerings are codes awakened, activated and refined by my lived experience-

I am sharing this medicine gifted to me as I LIVE this medicine. 

This is integrity. 

To live in honesty of what is alive within.

Developed through radical responsibility.

To stop resisting your nature, to embrace all of you. 

So you can ground into your beauty, truth and full expression of your gifts.

Through embodied devotion to the Goddess and refinement of the Masculine Warrior within we will usher in the integrated age of human consciousness together.

This is all possible with the courage to dive into the expansive ocean of your sexuality to rewrite the narratives of femininity and womanhood that have been handed to you. 

We need you Dear Woman. You are at the cusp of the Feminine Portal.

My name is Emily Abbott

I’m an illuminator of Infradian, Pelvic, Sacred Sexual Wisdom within you. 

I am a former high level competitive athlete from collegiate basketball + Crossfit, a body worker, a doctor of acupuncture + chinese medicine in training, a surfer and a humble, eternal student of Life. 

I am devoted to free womanhood. A Woman whole unto herself